This seems like a genuine question that many people outside of the US who are unfamiliar with Electoral politics have. #Election2020 #WTF #USIsNotaDemocracy
For POTUS election popular vote doesn't matter in the US. Only the number 538 does, as in 538 electors. That is 100 for the Senate 438 for the House. Every single person in NY, CA, and other populous Blue states can vote for DNC and still loose the election.
In fact we already know that Biden has won the popular vote by a landslide. But that does not matter. It's the Electoral college that matters. He need 270 electors to win.
Each state has to have at least 3 electors. 2 for the Senate and 1 for the House. Redistribution of Electors and House seats is done every 10 years after the census is taken. Most states are winner take all for POTUS.
Take NC, It does not matter if 60% voted for Dems vs 48%. All 15 electors go to who won the most votes at the state level. Blue counties are more populous than the red ones. All the votes go to the state level pool and get counted there.
The blue counties have more people as Liberal leaning people tend to live in urban and suburban areas POCs and college educated whites tend to live in Urban areas.
But the for the congressional seats the votes are counted at the district level. Each district can have multiple counties. They can be any shape as long as they are contiguous. This is important.
Even if everyone who voted for Biden voted Dem down ballot the odds are against them. 8 out of 13 districts will favor Reps. That mean Dems need to win by landslides to get those districts. Now replicated this across the country.
To win even 48% of the congressional seats (6/13) they would need landslides because the odds are against them. The margins being so narrow in many swing states that are gerrymandered is one of the reasons for this discrepancy.
In the the Senate, not all Senators are up for election. Only 33 are and a lot of them are in Red or Swing states which are narrow victories for Biden.
US is not a Democracy. It's a Republic at best. It has a long history of voter suppression and many mechanisms have been designed to accomplish this. Gerrymandering and Electoral college are part of this history that goes back to Slavery and Jim Crow.
If the US elections seem impossible to understand its because it was designed that way to keep Black people, Working class people, and immigrants out of the system.
Don't compare India which is a post-colonial country with a very different history to the US which is still a Settler Colonial country.
While the evidence for mass voter fraud is non-existent the evidence that the state uses legal ways to suppress the vote is abundant. Voter fraud is used as an excuse to pass many restrictive laws to disenfranchise people at the bottom.
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