Very excited to hear from every corner of the conservative movement about how, if Trump does in fact lose, it confirms their priors about what the future of the GOP should be.
“Trump’s defeat makes it clear: Republicans must be the party of dignity, low taxes, and country clubs undivided by politics” @BulwarkOnline
“Trump was held back by the deep state and softie cucks like Drew Holden. Prepare for war!!!” @ half of my mentions
“Is it safe to come out yet?” The Weekly Standard
Started typing out one to make fun of @reason but tbh the most off-brand part of me is that I really like and respect those guys and think they provide valuable reporting and analysis.
“Caedite eos. Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius.” - idk First Things or someone. Maybe me.
“What Republicans need is a return to forever wars and an all-consuming hatred for Donald Trump” - whatever media org @ProjectLincoln becomes next.
You can follow @DrewHolden360.
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