So here's my position on the election, from a realist perspective: Dems deployed a nuke to a gun fight. We knew the nuke was coming, but kind of just ignored it. Nuke went off & we are basically checkmated. New rules moving forward: Dirty tricks are the new rules. That's reality.
Ppl don't want to accept the situation yet, but fact is the damage is done, & there's an impossible uphill climb to thwart what happened. It's time to come to terms with that reality. Yes, election was taken via shenanigans, but that's life. Need to be better prepared next time.
Our side doesn't control any institutions that can make a difference right now. Focus on chipping away at that if you want to save what's left of our republic. You don't have to accept that it was a fair fight (it wasn't), but come to terms w/ the reality of what's happening.
Thank u for understanding. When only tool left in our team's arsenal is to challenge results in court & file suits, we're already in such a defensive position that it's way too late to get effective results. That's my point. I understand ppl feel cheated.
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