This notion that citizens need to produce “hard evidence” of “widespread” fraud is ridiculous!

When you call the police because you suspect a crime is in progress, do they demand HARD EVIDENCE?!

When election officials act suspiciously, burden is on them to clarify their action
People don’t realize what’s at stake here isn’t the outcome of this particular election for either candidate but the very legitimacy and trustworthiness of our most fundamental democratic process, the peaceful transfer of executive power!

If trust isn’t restored now, 2024...
So the burden is not on us to produce proof of a widespread coordinated crime.

Rather, the burden is on every election official to address every single “irregularity” to our fullest satisfaction otherwise we have no reason to have full confidence in the outcome.
Americans should be able to accept ANY election outcome especially when it’s not their candidate. But that’s ONLY possible when we have full confidence that the process is tamper-proof.

Because smoke is enough to create the perception of fire, officials need to put it out. Or...
Or not and then I don’t need to play the role of prophet and warn of the dark future that may lay ahead.

But America is strong and resilient so I’m confident that when the dust settles we will learn the lessons & make the necessary changes so that this doesn’t happen ever again!
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