Reece James Player Analysis

(A Thread)
Reece James so far this season has looked great, in my opinion he has been the best right back in the league. He's a very complete RB and he's improved so much from last season all at the age of 20. For ne he's one of our most consistent players and he's doing very well so far
Reece joined our youth academy playing as a STRIKER. He then moved deeper to a midfielder and then a defender. He made his youth team debut in 2015/16.

In March 2017 he signed his first ever professional contract with Chelsea. In 17/18 he captained Chelsea's youth team...
(U-18) where he won academy player of the season and the FA youth cup. After a successful loan at Wigan a great breakthrough season last season. Reece has impressed a lot Chelsea fans.
In today's thread I will talk about the following:

-Attributes (Strengths & Weaknesses)
-Statistics/ Comparisons/Positions
-Player Style and Habits
-How has it gone so far
-My opinion on him
Strengths 💪✅

- Strength (Physical)
- Crossing, Creativity (Passing)
- Heading (Aerial ability)
- Defending
- Strong on the ball

Weaknesses 👎❌

- Defensive awareness(Has improved but still needs some work)

(Doesn't lack much in his game so there aren't many weaknesses)

So to start off, Reece James is a wonderful full back and he doesn't have any significant weaknesses to his game. He can defend, cross, get forward and track back. He wasn't bad defensively last season but it needed some improving. The main part he lacked was...
defensive awareness. He's already improving in this as we have seen so far this season. My favourite trait about Reece is his pin point crossing. I think his crossing is slightly better than Trent's but Trent's output is only better because of Liverpool's finishers and...
because he's on set pieces. Here's a compilation made by @CFCMethod (follow him for more). The art of crossing...

Look at how many of these chances are wasted due to poor decision making and weak finishing skills by the players at the end of these chances.
Reece last season (PL) had a pass accuracy of 85.93% whereas Trent had 76.68%. Reece also had a cross accuracy of 24% compared to Trent's 21%. The reason I feel Reece has a better cross is because of his technique, variation and quality. Another one of Reece's attributes is...
his dribbling ability. He's actually one of the best dribbling full backs in the league and we can see this using the graph below.
People say Trent is good going forward when his only good ability are his deliveries whereas Reece is good on the ball dribbling wise and with his deliveries.

Reece is a very large kid and his frame is amazing especially at his age. He's got a good build on him and he bodies...
players and uses his physical strength to his advantage. His frame is very suited to the PL. He's also very good in the air. He won 1.5 aerials per 90 last season. Reece is a very balanced player. As I said he good offensively and defensively and we see this in the graph.
Reece is often know as a person who passes backwards. Well this isn't very true. He plays it safe a lot but he's a pretty progressive full back in my eyes and this is shown using the graph. This graph gives us an idea of the total passes to progressive passes ratio.
Reece as I said is creative and he loves a cross. He creates chances, he's up there with Robertson, Trent for chances created. Another graph tells us this comparing the touches per 90 and the xA's. We see here he's just behind Cesar Azpilicueta.
Reece is pretty versatile when it comes to positioning. At Wigan he played DM a few times even though his primary position is at RB. One thing we should know about Reece is that he CANNOT play at right wing back. He does a decent job there but against a side like Bayern he gets..
punished. Now to end the the player analysis let me hit you guys with some statistics. Here is Reece's all round game last season and as I said before, it's very well balanced. I have so much more to write about him but Twitter put a thread limit unfortunately.
These stats were during mid season and here we can see Reece is a blend between a defensive and attacking full back, which then makes him the perfect complete full back. He suits our system very well.
Reece is going straight to the top in my eyes. Here's a video to top it off by @Nino12x showing how complete Reece is. He's really got it all. He's agile, strong, technical and an all round beast. With our finishers he'll soon be racking up assists with his superb deliveries.
I'd like to thank @CFCMethod @Nino12x and @ExpectedChelsea 💙

@MaxHenzell and @CFCMod_ this thread was for you and the RJ fans.

I had much more to write but I unfortunately I didn't have enough space

End of Thread RT's apreciated 💙💯
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