Honestly, the most irresponsible and reckless thing I've ever seen besides Donald Trump himself, is his party and his media universe, including veteran politicians like Newt Gingrich and "don't trust the Black cities" Lindsey, who KNOW how elections work, undermining democracy.
These people know that Trump is losing this election and they know good and damned well that there is nothing unusual about it (unlike 2016, when they sat back and let Russia give Trump an assist and played dumb). They also know that without white grievance their grift is over.
And so they are gonna just keep stoking it. And it's so dangerous, to local and state public officials and canvassers counting votes who are just doing their jobs, and to the public, since some of the people they're activating are armed or associated with white nationalist gangs.
The Republican Party and its affinity media are fully responsible for anything bad that happens in the wake of this election. Fully. Responsible. And hopefully the Biden Justice Department will take note.
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