1/3 "Before I became a novelist I was an accountant. In auditing you look for red flags. That’s weird bits in the data that suggest something shifty is going on. You flag those weird things so you can delve into them further...."
#magicballots #VoteFraud https://monsterhunternation.com/2020/11/05/the-2020-election-fuckery-is-afoot/
2/3 "... One flag doesn’t necessarily mean there’s fraud. Weird things happen. A few flags mean stupidity or dishonesty. But a giant pile of red flags means that there’s bad shit going on and people should be in jail."

#magicballots #VoteFraud https://monsterhunternation.com/2020/11/05/the-2020-election-fuckery-is-afoot/
3/3 "Except for in politics, where apparently all you have to do to dismiss a bunch of red flag is be a democrat and mumble something about “fascist voter suppression” then you can do all sorts of blatant crime and get off."

#votefraud #election2020 https://monsterhunternation.com/2020/11/05/the-2020-election-fuckery-is-afoot/
and as I've already pointed out, convincing millions of people who have been heavily arming themselves for a decade or more that their peaceful participation in the democrat process is a waste of time because the fix is in is a recipe for violence.

#magicballots #votefraud
that people don't see the danger here astounds me. My personal theory is that the potential revelation of corruption from a 2nd trump terms was so threatening to key people that de-legitimizing elections for millions of Americans were worth it to them.

#votefraud #MagicBallots
"Here’s another thing you learn about auditing. The more chaotic the system, the more chances for fraud. So when you come across a system that is extra chaotic on purpose, that tells you that the people running it want it that way for a reason." https://monsterhunternation.com/2020/11/05/the-2020-election-fuckery-is-afoot/
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