They look at age and say “it’s age“!
They look at white non-college men and say “it’s working class!”
They look at women and say “it’s suburbia!”
They ignore the obvious. The HIGHEST voting correlation is to the white supremacy hierarchy.

Look at next tweet. 1/
In every age group the most support for Trump is white men.
Second white women.
Then various non-B or -I POC, again men more, women less.
Then BI men.
Last BI women.

It is the strongest correlation.
But a lot of people have a lot of investment in ignoring this in their data analysis.

Some probably because they just can’t admit to themselves that racism is as much of a problem as it is. 3/
But many I think have this motive: they feel like important overall broad economic issues have taken a back seat to “identity politics” and something in their brain thinks these two things are oppositional.
I think the reason they think it’s oppositional are two-fold.
1. They cling fast to their understanding of an economic ideology and their understanding of it does not have anti-racism structures. So they squirm around insisting that it does while saying “idpol” bad.
2. they really actually don’t care about anti-racism. It makes them mad. They feel like that’s not important and they have been shoved out of the center and can only be back in the center if anti-racism is pushed out.
And I think the reason they think anti-racism is centered (it’s not actually) is 1. that it gets a lot of talk and 2. Not actively being racist feels like being anti-racist in the US.
So here’s my challenge to people disappointed that your approach isn’t front and center:

Think about why BIPOC are not jumping with you. Think about it honestly and with respect.

Then change your approach to incorporate what BIPOC feel we need.
It is *actually* possible.

Instead of just pushing your ideology, look at what the people most in need of change feel they need and incorporate it in your thinking.

Then BOTH can be done. 9/
Also think about what to do about white men WITHOUT making it trading away BIPOC.

What does it take to get white men to vote FOR what you want WITHOUT telling them you’re pushing aside the interests of BIPOC?
This is all DOABLE.

But first you have to free your minds from your entrenched position and read data honestly and accurately.
Note second tweet LGBTQ+ and Jewish and Muslim voters also in the middle spectrum.
And let me give you a hint: one thing BIPOC like is non-collapse. Collapse means we die first.

So think about how to make all the changes without collapse along the way.
I’m lazy ass. I was thinking of doing all the work to put together what I have already read to draw my conclusions but then I thought, nah - they can look it up like I did.

But happily here’s a thread.
You can follow @eminently_me5.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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