Let’s leave aside the issue that they don’t seem to actually understand monetary policy or even how governmental economies work, or at least pretend ignorance when it serves their interests.

What matters is that we stop falling for their shit. The most reaction they should get:
Don’t engage! Engagement validates the wrong!

Same thing with climate change: most of the reason they can yell about no scientific consensus is because they’re the ones saying there’s no consensus (without ANY expertise.)

Engaging with the deceit lends it credibility.
I know this is hard — the pull of the argument is so strong. We justify arguing with (willful) wrong by making up crowds of lurkers who might be swayed.
Even if the lurkers exist (doubt it) arguing just helps Willful Wrong Dude refine the argument.

Do this instead:
BTW: As Franklin Roosevelt and the New Deal proved, counter-cyclical deficit spending is the specific prescription for an ailing economy. We are not Weimar Germany, the specter of inflation is a fraud.
Let’s not fall for it again.
And let’s keep our Dem Reps from getting scammed.
We have to spend — a lot.
Pandemic (No, it’s not going away.)
We need to support hospitals, keep people in housing, get everyone who isn’t housed into housing (not shelters), salary supports & UBI.
More broadband.
Individual/small group education.
No more cheaping out.
We will earn it back, if spend the money smart.
No more buying stock to prop up the Dow (also this needs to be investigated — it’s SO quid pro quo).
That money needs to go straight into the hands of people who will spend it tomorrow because they need to eat & pay the light bill.
Sooo.... practice this.
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