Some key principles of marketing are:

1) Define and segment your market.
2) Identify key segments.
3) Determine your value proposition, clearly differentiating yourself from competitors.
4) Go hard for your targets where they live.
Democrats* aren't doing a great job of this.

We're not looking critically at all segments of our market and finding all viable paths to win elections. We're targeting many of the same segments as Republicans, many of which are more loyal to Republicans than Democrats.
And when we go after the same segments Republicans are targeting, we're not differentiating ourselves well enough. If you're basically running on moderate Republican messaging, why would segments that are more loyal to the GOP vote for you over the guy they know?
Stop trying to trick white conservative voters into believing you're just like their guy, but with better manners. It comes across as disingenuous, and Republican candidates can use that as a wedge: if you want a Republican, vote for the person you know is REALLY a Republican.
This is why down-ballot Republicans keep hammering moderate Dem candidates in right-leaning districts. All they have to say is, "Yeah, that Democrat *says* they're just like us, but how do you know they're not really loyal to Pelosi?"

That's it! They've won.
Our path to winning is to target new segments and providing a clear, differentiated value prop. Stop trying to win Republicans with Republican messaging. It doesn't work.
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