1) Here's a shout out to all the women, POC, immigrants, everyone outside the country club of VC, really, that are doing it backward and in high heels, sometimes while being sole providers for small children.
2) One of my favorite Tweets ever was from a women that had dated a lot of founders in SF, and realized she was way smarter than any of them, and thought to herself, "Hey, maybe I could start a company!" She did, and is doing very well.
3) Another favorite was a woman with a baby food start-up, who kept hearing from male VCs the TAM was too small. It had all the data on how, using Google, it was easy to find the baby food TAM was much larger than the men's shaving market, that had multiple companies with $VC$.
4) All of this nonsense used to irritate me. It's a neverending stream of it.
5) But then I realized that actually, these behaviors derive from an industry that just doesn't care about making money, because the dudes in it are already rich (or kissing up to the already rich dudes in it.)
6) They're like the dudes in high school that cared more about being cool than studying, and we know how they turned out.
7) This is actually a huge advantage if you care about making money. The more an industry is like this, the easier it is for the actually competent people to compete. Keep doing your work. Heads down on execution. Hit the metrics.
8) Eventually some people that care about making money will notice you, and care about you.
9) Wisdom from @nntaleb that has gotten me through many a dark night of the soul: "The characteristic feature of the loser is to bemoan, in general terms, mankind's flaws, biases, contradictions, and irrationality without exploiting them for fun and profit."
10) Often, the lashing out comes from being given every advantage but still not being able to perform. You're given every disadvantage and are still are able to perform.
11) It's miserable in the near-term, but in the long term, you're going to end up the happier person and the world will be different.
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