actual feminist icons in tanach / a thread

(because there are LOTS of women in tanach that deserve to be stanned)

starting right at the beginning. eve gets a bad rap for tricking adam - yes, it wasn't what she was supposed to do. but she tricked adam /after/ her eyes had already been opened. she knew what life was all about & wanted adam to be able to share in this new knowledge.

sarah was modest and wise. she was especially hospitable, with her tent always open to passerby. she wanted abraham to have children, and because she was barren, advised him to take a concubine, sacrificing her comfort for abraham's legacy. upon realizing ishmael would be
a negative influence on her son (who she knew had to be righteous in order to be a patriarch to the jewish nation), she asked abraham to send him and his mother's, hagar away. abraham was hesitant but obliged - Hashem told him to listen, because /sarah knew best./

rivka went against what her family wanted and married yitzchak. she had a nosering (not necessarily feminist but pretty cool imo). she was kind both to people and to animals, offering elazar's camels water when he had just asked for some for himself. she, wiser than
yitzchak, later tricked him into giving yaakov the blessing of the firstborn (which, despite seeming deceitful at first glance, was the right thing to do). she then advised yaakov to run away from home so esav wouldn't kill him, saving his life.

a concubine of yaakov that is often overlooked, bilha raised rachel's children as her own after rachel's passing and was considered a mother to yosef.

fun fact: shimshon/samson is descended from her

miriam, along with her mother yocheved, actively saved jewish babies when pharaoh commanded them to kill them. later, miriam rebuked her father amram, leader of the jews, on a decree he had established for the jewish people. he listened to her and overturned his decree.

while traveling back to egypt to redeem the jews, tziporah and moshe encountered the satan. tziporah realized the problem first - they had not yet given their son a brit milah as they should have - and performed the brit before the satan could do more harm.

if the story of yehudit really is a myth, yael is who it's based on. in the middle of war, after the jews ambushed the enemy and were basically victorious, she killed enemy general sisera by giving him milk and driving a spike through his skull once he fell asleep.

devorah was a prophetess and judge of the jewish people, the leader of her time. she was a paragon of modesty, hearing cases under a tree in public so she would never be alone with a man who came to her with a case. because her husband wasn't especially good at learning
torah, she used to send him to roll wicks for the menorah so he would at least perform 'easier' mitzvot. when she asked her husband, barak, to lead the jewish army in war, he refused to do so unless she led them with him. she came up with the ambush plan to defeat the enemy army.

ruth is known for her modesty. she converted to judaism, despite jewish opposition to her conversion and despite the fact that meant she would lose her wealth and status as a moabite princess. she helped her mother-in-law even once she had no obligation to. she was esp wise

there are a large number of women in tanach who were tzadikot and can be seen as feminist icons. tag yourself if you want ig?

(feel free to add input if you're knowledgeable on this & understood it differently)

(i may write full-length threads on some of them later)
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