Genuinely uncertain about correct takeaways here (and transitively, confused at people being really confident about the correct takeaways). Thread for putting relevant thoughts, facts and tweets.
Category 1: Did Biden actually do badly?
Category 1: Did Biden actually do badly?
Category 2: What does this tell us about what Americans think of Democratic policies?
Maybe they mostly like them. (This seems right to me: healthcare, gun control, moderate liberal abortion policy all are very popular. Higher taxes I think depend on framing, climate change I don't know)
Noah Smith has a poll about this here:
Category 2.5: Policies/Approach
Category 3: Approach: Are dems too sanctimonious/woke / what do we make of increased black, hispanic and muslim support for Trump since 2016?
Category 4: The argument for "maybe trump wasn't actually so bad and that's why voters don't hate him"
SCOTUS and federal judges, obviously, for that kind of conservative.
Category 4:

Did he actually turn out good on foreign policy? I feel like I've paid attention to FP less in the last four years than ever in my life (as distinct from paying attention to what's going on internationally, especially in China)
I mean, obviously higher tail risks than anyone else, that North Korea shit was terrifying.
More for Category 1: (I agree with this take, the economy was doing great, incumbents have an advantage, Trump seemed like he had a floor).
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