He set up his con months ago: Voter Mail Fraud. There has never been any evidence to support this. But it was his hill to die on. He railed against it. He implored his cult members to vote in person. He told the different GOP state legislatures around the country,
"Don't you DARE let them count mail in votes early!" even during a pandemic. He got his echo chamber anchors on Fox and OANN and talk radio to repeat his lies. He even prematurely forced a new Supreme Court Justice onto the court breaking all norms and decorum ...
that close to an election, and had his rubber stampers in the US Senate go along with it, like they did during impeachment when they wouldn't even call witnesses. All so he could hopefully use "his" Supreme Court (think about how terrifying that is) to invalidate those votes ...
His plan all along was to get same day leads on TV in many swing states, "claim" he is the winner, and then shut down vote counting of millions of yet uncounted but VERY LEGAL ballots. Yes, the POTUS was in effect committing treason, trying to take away YOUR vote and declare ...
himself king. But the Framers were smart -- they let the STATES run their elections. So they didn't listen to the mad king, and just kept counting those LEGAL votes, as they are required by law and just good citizenry. And the courts, a critical part of his con, didn't stop ...
them. And then those leads kept disappearing: #Wisconsin, then #Michigan -- and this is when he began to panic. His con was unraveling. Why weren't the courts listening? Why weren't the media toting his propaganda? You don't talk back at the emperor! So he decided to ...
"prematurely e-declarate" and illegally "proclaim" himself winner, while also proclaiming the states of Pennsylvania and Georgia as his own. But they still kept counting the LEGAL votes, and then the lead changed in #Georgia and now in #Pennsylvania. They kept counting, as ...
brave patriots should. They showed care for those votes and their fellow Americans and ignored their mad king. They wanted the CORRECT decision, not a fast one. They knew how much that mattered. And they are still counting now, and we all owe them our debt of gratitude ...
these brave, unsung, tired #ElectionWorkers #PollWorkers that are our #Heroes now. They knew to #CountEveryVote and #EveryVoteMatters #EveryVoteCounts ... they knew anything less would be simply unAmerican. The correct vote tally will complete and @JoeBiden will be the President
Elect and @KamalaHarris will be the new Vice President -- simultaneously the first woman and first #personofcolor to hold that office. Because #DemocracyWins. However, I don't think our mad king is going to take this well. He has cheated and gotten away with it his entire life...
Now is the time to take notes and see who is standing with the mad king and who is standing with #AmericanDemocracy ... they may still try to cheat and con again. I warn them -- the emperor now has no clothes AND #HistoryisWatchingYou. You can't take our votes or our ...
voices. Now WE are the majority and the rightful winners, and you cannot take that away. It does seem many under the mad king's thumb may somehow be compromised. Now is the time to come clean. If something illegal has occurred, go to the FBI or media now and report it ...
You still have a chance for a softer landing. The truth WILL come out, and #TheTruthWillSetYouFree -- you can be finally free of this petty, vindictive man and help us all see just how craven and broken he is. #TickTock you are on the clock now. Better to get out in front of ...
this than go down with the ship. The mad king drove straight into the iceberg on purpose, accelerating as he did. You have one last chance to get off that boat and save what is left of your legacy. He needs to be fully exposed to help break his cult and have #America heal ...
You can do your part by just finally sharing the truth about him so they finally understand they have been conned by him. His last and biggest con has failed, and do not mistake what this con has been: an intentional illegal grab of unjust power to destroy our #Democracy, or,...
in short form, #Treason -- make sure you come down on the right side of this. As none other than Bill Barr said recently in a speech, "History is written by the winners." Somewhat ironic, eh? Time to cut your losses and come clean. Thank you again to the brave #Patriots working
the polls and #CountEveryVote -- we owe a debt of gratitude to you. Thank you. And as soon as @JoeBiden is officially declared #PresidentElect I am going to fly #OldGlory for the first time in 4+ years. #GodBlessAmerica
PS: As an astute reader of this thread pointed out, please do not forget about the shenanigans "Postmaster" Lewis DeJoy committed. He should 100% be investigated for potential electoral fraud and conspiracy. But I would be willing to offer immunity if he has receipts against T.
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