Ref #Libya, article missing the following info:
1 "UN-recognized" gov expired in '17; adopted TU-QA proxy militia cartel they were mandated to dismantle
2 GNA was never never ratified by UN-recognized elected parliament
3 "Opposition forces" = Libyan national army, parliament
Bonus video: the apparently exasperated FM of the GNA answers a silly question:
I find it curious when writers add the prefix "UN-recognized" without completing a full description of the GNA such as
a. how it was never ratified by the UN recognized parliament and b. it has expired. Omitting these facts obscures one of the main drivers of the #Libya conflict
+attempts to confer a false legitimacy to a foreign propped militia junta. After all, the Khmer Rouge, along with other notorious regimes were also "UN-recognized." Such poor and tactically lazy coverage of #Libya reminds of the proverb: "half a truth is worse than a whole lie."
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