CW: transphobia, specifically targeting trans men and transmascs.

Alright I’ve seen a LOT of bad takes like this going around this week so let’s talk about this for a second.
First and most obviously: being a man is not a choice. This is not something that we just wake up one day and decide on a whim because it looks like fun.

I can’t believe I still have to explain that to people but there it is.
Being trans is no different. I may have chosen to give myself the label “trans man” but I didn’t choose the experiences that led me to that label.

I would be dead if I didn’t figure out who I was. It was killing me.
Implying that being a trans masculine person is because you woke up one day and decided you hated women and were going to identify out of misogyny is literally just straight up a TERF talking point. It has no basis in reality.
Especially since many of us STILL experience that misogyny.

Whether I like it or not my legal documents say female and most strangers read me as a woman.
I’m still a man but that means I get the same street harassment, the same being disbelieved by doctors etc. etc. as a woman (cis or trans) does.
But here’s the other thing: no being a man is not the problem. The mere existence of men is not the issue.

I’m not saying you can’t make “kill all men” jokes. I understand completely why those jokes are made.
Men, trans men included, have massive issues that we need to talk about and combat. And joking about seeking revenge for that that is a perfectly rational coping mechanism.
But when you start acting like men are inherently bad, like we’re born hating women instead of being a product of the patriarchy, there becomes an issue.
Because by saying that you’re essentially saying these problems can’t be fixed.

And they absolutely can be. It’s our job to fix them.
As trans men, we’re just as much men as cis men are. But we have a different experience to them.

And that gives us an opportunity to decide for ourselves what manhood is going to look like.
We can make the choice to be the men who look out for women and nonbinary people. Who call out our male friends before it’s too late. Who teach our sons how to be gentle and good and kind and brave.
The patriarchy is the issue here. Not men.

Manhood is so much more than the patriarchy and it’s about time we started exploring all the good parts of it and leaving the rest to rot.
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I’m a broke full-time student trying to save for my transition so every little really does help and it’s hugely appreciated 🥰 
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