1) A reassuring thread from Zen Master, my court guru:

2) "Access Hollywood: Many Republicans told Trump to drop out. He didn't. He won.

3) Kavanaugh: Many Republicans (privately, of course) were telling Trump to withdraw Kavanaugh.
3) contd . . . Dems were shocked that he didn't withdraw the nomination. God bless Lindsey Graham and Susan Collins. Trump & Kavanaugh won.

4) Trump sees what's going on. He won't cave. And I think that legislatures may be starting to wake up.
4) contd . . . Remember, we're on Friday morning. PA Senate Republicans just called for the Secretary of State to resign. Let's keep a cool head and see what occurs today and over the weekend. I should also note that the AP has *not* called:
4) contd . . And I think AZ will be retracted shortly.
Trump's argument for continuing is simple:
(1) The media doesn't decide elections.
(2) Even the AP hasn't called it for Biden.
(3) Let the lawful process play itself out.
5) I remember when people were freaking out over Access Hollywood & Kavanaugh. Trump didn't, & others came to see that he was right. Trust Trump."

6) I would add that for anyone suggesting that any of this is in any way "Trump's fault" for not proactively doing x, y, z . . .
6) contd . . . I would say, He's the President of the United States working largely without any support at all 14 hours a day. With almost no support he single handedly beat back a Hoax Muh Russia investigation. With constant sniping & backbiting from the likes of Minion, . . .
6) contd . . . Sasshole, Collins, MurCowSki, & neverTrumper George Lincoln Rockwell Project types, he has advanced an agenda that NO other president since Abraham Lincoln has achieved.

7) "But he shoulda . . ." How about the "RNC shoulda . . .?"
7) contd . . . How about, "The senators shoulda?" How about candidates for office this year (John James--who stands to lose if he doesn't support Trump's efforts) "shoulda?"

8) Why does one man have to do everyone else's damn job? Yet it's his fault that he didn't do more?
9) He got five million more votes than in 2016. Demented Perv Biteme likely got fewer than 60M legitimate votes. Trump did three rallies a day to get those votes.

"But he shoulda . . . ."


10) By the way, we wondered why Zero was so unenthusiastic about Biteme?
11) It's because Zero knew that to "make" Biteme win they would have to fraudulently produce at least 70m votes, making Biteme the most "popular" candidate in history . . .

more "popular" than Zero.

The Anointed One (blessings be upon him).
12) Zero was in on the scheme from the get-go.

13) And one last tidbit.

14) If Biteme wins & the 25th Amendment removes him in less than six months. . .

Who do you think will really be president?
15) I would answer, we still don't know. We STILL have no idea who really is running Biteme. Who is his puppet master.

It's probably the best kept secret in political history.

But I wouldn't be surprised if he or she spoke Mandarin.
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