Okay last one.

I think that the way Trump is talking about the election is bad. I think he should absolutely fight irregularities - and call attention to them - but should be fighting in court with confidence that the system will, eventually, work. He isn’t doing that.

Both of these undermine our institutions & public confidence around the election. But it seems *enormously* clear to me that Trump is at least doing it w/ a lot more evidence of irregularity that could’ve cost him the election and is doing it before votes have been certified.
Clinton, on the other hand, has spent four years - at the encouragement of the media - suggesting that Trump **did not legitimately win the election** in 2016, after votes were certified. He got impeached for it!

What precedent did people expect that would set!?
Republicans - not just the president - should fight like hell NOW, before the vote is certified, so that we can be confident in the results. The histrionics around it need to stop **until the facts on the ground support that kind of language**.

In time they might.
And once we are confident, what Trump & his supporters need to do is accept the results if he loses, same for Biden if things change.

I’m not so naive as to be bullish on this. But eventually we will have an answer. When we do - whatever it is - we ALL need to treat it as final.
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