THREAD: on privilege.. 6months into a global pandemic, today a water pipe burst in our local area resulting in many people (including our family) not having access to water for approximately 7hours. When I first realised that this had happened I panicked because I have spent
so many days and weeks and months being accustomed to a free-flow of water that is safe to use for washing, cooking, drinking, and more. it has taken me far too.many hours to identify the privilege that makes me think I or anyone Inknow is 'entitled to' or 'deserves' such a

privilege. The human right to water-- which includes access to sanitation -- is one that every person had by virtue of being human. And is a human right that many people will never be able to access or to have implemented.

Today reminded me of my privilege, and also

reminded me what we human rights activists are fighting to make a reality. In particular it made me appreciate the efforts of @inga_winkler and @CatarinadeAlbuq in terms of making water and sanitation an achievable human right for all

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