Biden won. So here are some things that need to happen between now and January, as well as after January.
We need to put our demands forward in a succinct, articulated, organized manner. We need to be united on these demands. That means putting infighting on pause and *talking* to each other about what we want, *supporting* each other, and *informing* people.
For me, these are the demands the Biden admin needs to hear, the Democratic leadership needs to hear, and both need to commit to lest they face four years of protest and demonstrations:

1. Trans rights. Enshrine them. Codify them. Protect them. In everything, at all levels.
2. Make all the government agencies in charge of protecting the populace have actual teeth. Make an EPA that does more than slap wrists. Make an FCC that not only treats the internet as a utility, but forces the building of infrastructure to supply every person with access.
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