it’s very weird how y’all don’t expect anybody to be critical of your “political faves..”

well, it’s not weird, it’s sad.
it’s like y’all forget they’re human and that others have *actually* worked with them/been their constituents

we’ve witnessed or been victims of their harm
so many of you are so quick to celebrate “states flipping blue” that you’re willing to exclude more desirable politicians for being held accountable for the ways they’ve harmed and exploited marginalized folks and organizers

and it’s ugly.
Georgia’s flipping blue requires we take stock of those sitting dem leaders who have remained complicit with small impact or all out abandonment of the people they represent

At the expense of votes at the polls, clout and comfort.
They’ve exploited organizers.

Failed to stand with survivors.

Negotiated our lives with the very fascists & oppressive institutions that you *think* they aim to unseat

Not one of them has stood with abolitionists

There’s so much more beyond “empty promises” here
And so sure, celebrate “turning the state blue”

But also recognize, when shit hits the fan for the people, and the bipartisan state continues its abandonment, the same politicians you deified + celebrated won’t be available to meet your immediate material needs
But the organizers you shit on, gaslight and violently engage are the ones who actually fight, struggle, and are punished for the furthering of your survival

In the words of @_Rawilcox I really, truly want y’all to de-state your lives
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