Obviously, today's thread is going to be about misinformation that will flood out as the race is called.
Biden took the lead in GA last night. There have been more claims, without evidence, of voter fraud when the state turned blue, including from senior Trump advisor Jason Miller. Twitter has labeled this as misleading. Read LA Times for good info https://www.latimes.com/politics/story/2020-11-06/trump-biden-election-georgia-pennsylvania
This video, which claims to be evidence of cheating, is so widespread. But it's unverified. Plus the way it's posted, there's no sourcing. Where is this? We don't know. AND Terrence K Williams is a comedian w/ a track record of posting Covid misinfo, including pushing Plandemic.
Posted about this so-called exposé by Project Veritas already but it's worth a 2nd debunk—this version on David Harris Jr. (another repeat misinfo offender) was the No. 3 political story on FB yesterday, per NewsWhip. It 👏 has 👏 been 👏 debunked 👏 https://www.politifact.com/article/2020/nov/05/allegations-usps-election-fraud-michigan-dont-hold/
WTF is up with everyone impersonating the AP Twitter account? This is NOT it. @TwitterSupport
On watermarked ballots as evidence of fraud: No. Per @2020Partnership: "Watermarks can be on mail-in ballots, but that does not mean they are used to target voters maliciously or as a method to conduct election fraud."
This tweet from the VERIFIED Nevada GOP, embedded in a viral Daily Wire article (80.8K likes & shares), is misleading.

"Some 17-year-olds did receive ballots, but they were flagged as invalid before the election started." -Bethany Drysdale, Comms at Washoe County Elections Dept
Odd thing about misinfo reporting is that given a single video frame, I can tell if something's false. Got this one on Election Day but it's circulating anew on TikTok. These are sample ballots in Virginia Beach, Va. And election officials have debunked. https://www.wtkr.com/news/virginia-beach-updates-voters-on-election-day-officials-say-video-of-burning-ballots-are-not-official-ballots
. @JaneLytv tracked down the simplest ever explanation for these ballot counters filling in the ballots. But the videos have been amplified by prominent allies of Trump, including Don Jr. They're really really viral. https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/janelytvynenko/election-rumors-debunked#125916117
goddamn, I finally tracked down a good response to the PA Project Veritas video thank god please hold while I create a new twete
This David Harris Jr. article based on a Project Veritas video shows a USPS worker alleging they were instructed to backdate ballots. Has >20K shares on Facebook. Here's Erie County, PA's official response—"I believe the processes they use will stand as legitimate under scrutiny"
Because videos of election workers filling out blank ballots are still going viral—here is Delaware County's official response. Share with your loved ones who have been duped! https://www.delcopa.gov/publicrelations/releases/2020/ballotvideoresponse.html
Eric is wrong, Real American Politics is wrong. I recognize this video from about a month ago. The TikTok user's bio now reads the explanation for this video: "They were sample ballots." Also, here's a debunk by The Daily Dot https://twitter.com/MikaelThalen/status/1324838021837938688
As Rudy Giuliani & Diamond and Silk & Matt Gaetz continue to spread this lie, here’s the actual truth: No, 21K dead people in PA did NOT vote.

The lawsuit is real, the dead people did not vote. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/11/06/technology/dead-voters-pennsylvania.html
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