It's time to turn Durham into a special counsel

And open up two additional new special counsel investigations:

- Special Counsel to investigate money laundering/tax fraud by the Bidens related to Burisma and the China deals

- Special Counsel to investigate 2020 election fraud
All these Special Counsel investigations should be staffed at least 90% by people who donated to President Trump

Because under the Mueller standard, it's preposterous to think that biases the legal judgment of the lawyers involved
*IF* Biden wins, his DOJ appointees should be forced to swear under oath that they will not interfere in the special counsel investigations in order to be confirmed

We control the Senate, after all, and Trump let the Mueller investigation be completed
These are the new rules

President Trump spent three years of his Presidency under the cloud of completely baseless investigations

And there's a lot more evidence of Biden corruption than there ever was of Russia collusion
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