Trump team saying election not over, including:

"In Nevada, there appear to be thousands of individuals who improperly cast mail ballots."

No. No. There are not.

Bogus list they sent to DOJ contains military folks who cast absentees. And at least one person I know.
Former NV journo living abroad emails to tell me his and his wife, who maintain their residency, were on that list the crack law firm of Trump, Laxalt, McDonald, Grenell and Schlapp sent to DOJ. They voted. Legally. The list is also rife with postal codes that show their lies.
Many on list sent to the DOJ have these postal codes: AE, AA and AP: Armed Forces Europe, Armed Forces Americas and Armed Forces Pacific.

That is, Nevadans in the military who sent absentees.

Incompetence or fraud, gentlemen?

Why does Team Trump hate NV military personnel?
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