THREAD: The right is in the same spot the left was in 4 years ago: believing the results of an election are invalid. I have no problem acknowledging my bias leads me to believe there's far more indication of election fraud in 2020 than there was of Russian collusion in 2016,
but nevertheless, the bottom line is this: absent any clear cut smoking guns of foul play, it will always (and not unjustifiably) be seen as sour grapes. If Biden is ultimately declared the winner, the GOP ultimately has no one to blame but themselves. Much like Hillary's...
campaign strategy was terrible in '16 and reeked of assuming she had it in the bag, the '20 GOP stratagem seemed to ignore the fact that Trump ran a VERY narrow gauntlet to win in '16, and would have to reprise that performance against a side that would not assume victory...
was guaranteed this go-round. Also, if foul play was suspected, that should have been something planned for WELL in advance. Instead, we got talks of "red tsunamis" and such. Unwise. Finally, while at least the Dems went all in on the madness to invalidate 2016, we've seen...
tepid (at best) GOP defense for Trump.  That's unacceptable if you're on the right, and an indication that the swamp wasn't really drained, it just took a 4 year smoke break. #RealTalk 🇺🇲
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