In the end, it was true liberalism, not cosplay socialism, actual Democrats, old school ones, that fought and continued to fight for marginalized groups. From Atlanta to Detroit to Milwaukee to even Phoenix, real Democrats. There is so much more work to do. For now, celebrate.
So, while some on the way left can enjoy their latte, unbothered by actual struggle, realize this:

True Democrats in swing areas, red areas fought for this while you sat on your asses and didn't do shit to help.

You're welcome, assholes.
Personally, watching Black folks do what we do, in areas that no one thought were possible. To be alive and active in Texas, Georgia, Arizona gives me hope that we're opening doors. Mississippi, Louisiana, Tennessee, Kentucky, one day soon. Arkansas, we see you.
Red state activity leads to blue state transformation. There are no lost states, just lost people. If socialists wanna sit at the kid's table, fine. The adults in the party have things to do.
I'm not gonna be nice, reaching to the far left. Socialists made this harder than it needed to be.

Listen to Black people, POC, members of the LGBTQ+ community.

And FFS, lastly, socialists, grow tf up.
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