Also while the glaring numbers of hatred flicker across ur screens this is the time for me to talk about a few things so pull up a chair and sit a while this is a thread.
Let's take this moment to STOP TELLING black FOLKS to quietly take abuse on the internet. Bc defending ourselves from onslaught of abuse is...unprofessional....This leads to a culture where WE get abused and YOU get to be comfortable pretending it doesn't happen. ITS GROSS
There is a constant pushing down of our heads that is harmful to our person. It breaks our person. Don't be complicit in this.
Quit telling us that we are aggressive when we very rightfully ask for accountability. In this space in specific navigation is hard as a person of color. Knowing where brands and companies stand is the most important part of our decision making. Its our livelihood
Also stop claiming BLM for consumer purposes, have u hired more people of color, have you partnered with more people of color are you giving them codes?Are you PAYING more people of color? This matters at the end of the day.
And think about how you as a larger creator or pr person can maybe mentor someone and give them a shot. Encourage people. Don't just host or throw a code. Tell folks how it works and help them be great. Thats true care for them and their success in this space.
You can follow @ZombaeKillz.
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