Let's be totally honest -as happy as I am that Biden won, he and Harris are NOT a magic cure. They just aren't. They and the government as a whole have a tremendous amount of work to do. The country is poorer, sicker and more divided than I think we've been in a long time.
Hell, the division likely never went away. It's just more on the forefront. The US is not the place many seem to think. I HOPE Biden, Harris and the bunch are up to the challenge they have. Not just for me. Not just for my friends. For EVERYONE. Citizens deserve to have people
Working for them. Biden winning isn't a cure all but man I hope its at least a step in the right direction. We as a country need to face a lot of issues.

I'm only going to say it one time, because as of today we need to start doing a lot better as a country.
If you're a Trumper that's mad about this result - fuck your feelings.
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