1/X) THREAD... I want to preface this by saying that I’m a moderate conservative... What is Donald Trump’s legacy? I’ll remember Donald Trump as an impeached, one-term president that never saw his approval rating eclipse 50%. A president that left office with
2/X) fewer jobs than when he entered, which will be the first time in the post-war era thats ever happened. A president that saw hate crimes increase by the highest level in almost two decades under his watch. A president that saw upwards of 235,000 Americans lose their
3/X) lives due to a pandemic that he grossly downplayed and neglected to manage. A president that contributed to increasing our national debt by 7 trillion dollars over four years all while claiming to be a conservative and wasting taxpayer dollars doing things like building a
4/X) useless fucking border wall that he said Mexico was going to pay for. A president that hijacked and corrupted an entire political party and bent it to his will. A president that corrupted many of our most critical institutions by appointing unqualified donors and
5/X) loyalists into key positions of authority and subverted the senatorial confirmation process by abusing the “acting” designation. A president that weaponized the Department of Justice to serve his political and legal interests while undermining our intelligence
6/X) agencies in favor of foreign propaganda and misinformation. A president that spent more time tweeting, watching the news, and golfing than he did doing actual work for the American people. A president that constantly referred to his political rivals by
7/X) absurd nicknames like a 10 year-old bully would have done at recess in grade school. A president that denied climate change was a real problem and not only neglected to address it, but actually took measures to make the problem worse. A president that consistently used
8/X) his office for personal and political gain. A president that never spoke to the American people as a whole, but rather only focused on catering to his base, not because he cares about them, but because he needed their votes. A president that lied far more
9/X) often than he ever told the truth. A president that used the terms, “hoax,” “witch-hunt,” and “coup” so often that I actually now have an aversion to all three of those words that I’m pretty sure I will carry throughout the rest of my life. A president that said some of
10/X) the most idiotic fucking things such as stealth bombers actually being invisible, windmills causing cancer, and injecting dIsinfectants into the bloodstream as a remedy against a virus. A president that referred to antisemitic neo-nazis as fine people. A president
11/X) that always showed more of an affinity to dictators and despots than he did to preserving and strengthening our crucial alliances. A president that wished a known serial sex trafficker “well” at a White House press briefing. A president that called our military men and
12/X) women “suckers” and “losers” because they made the ultimate sacrifice for their country while he dodged the Vietnam draft with 5 separate deferments for some bullshit bone spurs that weren’t even real. A president that used tear gas and rubber bullets against
13/X) peaceful protestors in Lafayette Square, so he can take a walk to a nearby church and hold a bible upside down for a photo op. A president that referred to himself as a “stable genius” all the while going to great lengths to threaten every academy he ever attended with
14/X) litigation to keep his academic transcripts secret. A president that claimed to be a successful businessman all the while hiding his tax returns from the American people, only for us to find out that he owes 421 million dollars to various foreign creditors, doesn’t pay
15/X) taxes, has a secret Chinese bank account, and runs several businesses that have been bleeding money for decades. A president that abandoned the Kurds after they sacrificed over 12,000 of their own people helping us to fight ISIS and defeat the caliphate in Syria, thereby
16/X) leaving them to be slaughtered by the psychotic leader of Turkey. A president that exchanged love letters with Kim Jong Un, one of the most vile and sinister pieces of shit on the planet earth, all the while never getting North Korea anywhere even close to denuclearization.
17/X) A president that allowed Mohamed Bin Salman to brutally murder an American journalist and get away with it without so much as a slap on the wrist. A president that is so obsessed with Vladimir Putin that he actually took that tyrant’s word over that of our own intelligence
18/X) agencies, refused to condemn him after putting bounties on the heads of our troops, and held regular private phone calls with that nobody else was allowed to sit in on. A president that started a trade war with Xi Jinping that resulted in American consumers getting hit with
19/X) inflated prices and screwed over our farmers while never actually resulting in an official trade deal. A president that signed a bullshit executive order to pass a stimulus package that never took effect because he doesn’t have the power of the purse. A president that shut
20/X) down our government in an effort to coerce congress into providing funding for his pet project all the while causing financial distress for hundreds of thousands of government workers. A president that mocked a handicapped reporter at a rally. A president that
21/X) walked out of a 60 Minutes interview because he couldn’t handle the heat of the moment. A president that locked himself in a bunker when people were protesting racial injustice outside of the White House. A president that bragged about passing a simple psychological test
22/X) that is used to gauge early-onset dementia. A president that pardoned a war criminal because he liked how the man sounded begging for a pardon on Fox News. A president that pardoned his friend Roger Stone after a jury found him guilty of lying to congress and witness
23/X) tampering. A president that coerced his attorney general to throw out the case against Michael Flynn despite that fact that the traitorous scumbag plead guilty to his crimes twice. A president that lended credence to crazy bullshit conspiracy theories like QAnon.
24/X) A president that used the WH and federal resources to prop himself up during a reelection campaign. A president that got infected with Covid and watched the virus spread throughout his own administration despite having every logistical advantage to ensure that wouldn’t
25/X) happen. A president that assaulted one of the most basic unalienable rights in this country, freedom of the press time and again by calling the media the “enemy of the people” and suggesting they should be executed for treason.
26/X) A president who lacked dignity, integrity, compassion, decency, ethics, curiosity, and the ability to learn and grow. A president that blamed others for his own shortcomings and failures.
27/X) Simply put, I will Remember Donald Trump as the worst president ever to serve our great nation in my lifetime and I would bet heavily that I’ll never see another one that comes even close to being this bad.
28/X) P.S. Yet somehow despite all of the above (which is not even close to being a comprehensive list of all his malfeasance), this scumbag who will be ranked by historians as the worst president this country has ever seen, got to appoint not one, not two, but
29/X) three justices to the US Supreme Court. What a complete and utter travesty of JUSTICE that is!
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