Once you see it, you’ll never be able to UNSEE IT. They’ve been telling us who runs the show behind the scenes THE ENTIRE TIME. It’s not a man’s world, it’s never been a MAN’s world. The inside joke so f@cking funny, I can’t help but laugh.
It’s not the eye of Horus, it’s Wadjet’s Eye.
Wadjet’s Eye...
The Pentagram of “V”(5)enus... it takes 8 years... 8x5 = 40👀
So much... always men in front, always women in the background... slaying the dragon... not what it appears to be.
A king shining out front, but what good a king, without a throne? ISIS IS the SEAT! The Chair, THE Throne.
The throne... Templar’s and the black Madonna 👀
The throne...
Even our money... it’s all a “Matrix”. A “Spider’s” web. “Matrix”, Matter, Matr- Ety. “A mother’s womb”. Not any spider’s web... a black widow.
Why do priests wear dresses? “But almost all priests from all religions wear dresses”... that friends is my f@cking point. ☕️
Mason’s and their stupid aprons. What’s an apron? It’s for menstrual cycles (lunar cycles). It goes back to ancient times. Why you wearing that sh1t?
Why have all of these men immasculated themselves? You think a guy came up with this sh1t?
Why have these men immasculated themselves? You think a guy came up with this sh1t? What do you think a “vow of celibacy is?”
It’s all nothing but a bee hive... all these emasculated drones got one job... protect the queen and keep her hidden deep in the hive.
Wadjet’s name... the “Blue” or sometimes the “Green” one. The stripes of a palm tree in the name. The palm tree decor, thousands of years old. The old religion.
“Sometimes it’s the people in the background that are of ‘Greater’ significance.”
See the Spider Web? Remind you of anything?
“Shall we play a game?
Find the spider(s) and build the web (the ‘map’).
Remember, they consider you to be the fly
(Specifically, the ‘feeder’).
You can follow @RealEyes1776.
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