fascism is NOT beaten, the US is only taking a short-term painkiller with a bad taste.

as trump is losing this election, it is important to understand the seeds of fascism, which is neoliberalism. THREAD
it's not wrong to be happy about the defeat of a right-wing maniac, but don't be fooled, the dangers of nationalistic fascism are not over. more importantly, we are seeing a new type of fascism, a "globalized" fascism, which is less overt, more dishonest, adaptive & resilient
the power elites have predominantly coalesced around biden, and for good reasons. first of all, trump was a threat to the free flow of capital: the main concern of capitalists today is that their exploitation is unhindered by protectionist measures.
as it's becoming increasingly difficult to secure profitable market share, capitalists seek to expand internationally. international capital expansion (i.e., imperialism) cannot be secured if the major (capitalist!) powers don't maintain a stable relationship with each other
that's why you are seeing an alliance between the intelligence community, silicon valley, wall street, corporate media, and other big capital players. they have a clear agenda, namely to establish undemocratic, global governance. any form of nationalism is a threat to that agenda
the right serves as a handy scapegoat for neoliberalism, but they dislike it for much more trivial reasons than what the people dislike it for. people don't want it because of the threat of oppression of minorities, and oppression in general, and so on. but
the capitalist elite does not give a shit about that, as prominent venture capitalist peter thiel once said, a harsh president would intimidate an increasingly loud crowd, which would ultimately protect corporate interests.
but the pro-trump libertarians are less common. neoliberals want to maintain a respectable, polite face over a clownish, "honest" image, which is an embarrassment in their eyes. the fascist imperialist is annoying, bc they make it a bit harder to consolidate capital globally
the ruling class is - thus - struggling with a core dilemma of capitalism: how to ensure maximum exploitation while not risking rebellion from below? it's to appear as "friendly" & "cosmopolitan" as possible while being as materially exploitative as possible.
socialists fight it bc they see through the material oppression, but the right resists it by clinging to the nation, or "race", as a reaction of an increasingly non-transparent, bureaucratic international order that leaves them frustrated and susceptible to these tribal forces
the owners of society use the fascist forces when necessary (because it is of some value to them), while they will fight leftist uprising with every means available. it is exactly this calculus that allows nationalistic fascism to develop.
as long as neoliberal capitalism exist, we will not see an end to fascism. to the contrary, as it consolidates its power, as economic crises and wars continue - bc capitalism is inherently competitive & imperialist - it delays an ever more extreme type of ultranationalist fascism
so be mindful about the likely win of biden, white supremacy won't go away, it will try to intensify & grow.the only effective solution to it is not to take the neoliberal painkiller, but it is to fight the disease, which is capitalism. don't rest, the real fight is just starting
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