I was paralyzed 2mos before the 2016 election. Every day of Trump's assault on #healthcare has harmed me personally and put terrible stress on my family. Trump ending the #ACA mandate raised the premiums of 56M Americans. Mine went from $231 a month to $1,978.10.
My wife had to take a 2nd job & take out a loan to pay this incredible amount of money: I was too sick to not have health insurance. The past four years have assaulted our mixed race lesbian family every day. Trump also targeted our sanctuary city and some of our friends.
I reported so many stories of people getting sicker, poorer, homeless under Trump's dangerous policies. I wrote about the Muslim ban, the trans ban, the kids in cages, the accusations of sexual harassment and assault, the attacks on LGBTQ people. The white nationalism. COVID.
There is a lot more to say. But mostly I want people to understand that if you have the privilege to dismiss the impact of this election, steer clear of me or any other marginalized person. For us, this is a reprieve on death--pure and simple. We need to breathe.
If you haven't lived in daily terror under Trump, that is nice for you. But for those of us who have clawed our way from one day to the next, it has been exhausting and painful and terrifying. We are ecstatic just to be able to breathe. Give us that, please.
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