638k jobs added, unemployment rate down to 6.9%.

LFPR up, along with EPOP.

A nice surprise!
Unemployment rate would have been closer to 7.2% after adjusting for misclassification issue.
Private sector employment picked up by 906k. Weakness in state & local government employment plus temp Census jobs going away pulled headline number down.
Prime-age EPOP picked up, but still well below the level we saw earlier this year.
Payrolls picked up, but the number of jobs is still 6.6% below Feb levels.
Temporary layoffs unemployment declined again, but no noticeable increase in permanent layoff unemployment.
You can see this in core unemployment rate as well. A slight decrease, but no big move in more enduring forms of joblessness https://twitter.com/JedKolko/status/1324708040088690693
Leisure & hospitality employment continues to be *well* below pre-pandemic levels
Low-wage industries continue to add jobs, but the cumulative hit is still larger there.
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