Counting all the votes is honoring democracy? If you don’t see how Putin won, you’re blind... The whole goal was to create even greater division, intensify racial tensions.
We are all war with each other, thus showing the world we aren’t the big strong fearful country we once were. We literally fought each other over toilet paper.
We no longer want to talk/debate or understand a persons view or politics. We don’t want to compromise, it’s just I’m right and you’re wrong and now you’re the enemy.
You should be happy to see such an overwhelming number of people getting involved and voting. You might not like the results, but everyones voice deserves to be heard and every vote counted.
Otherwise we are slipping from democracy and more towards dictatorship.
There is no fraud, Bc if there was, the senate would’ve flipped blue. turn off the tv, get off social media and self reflect on if sowing doubt, rebuking the validity of this election Bc your candidate might lose is really going to help rebuild this nations standing in the world.
And aren’t you exhausted from all the fighting and insults with people you disagree with? We don’t raise our kids to be sore losers and we don’t reward tantrums. So when are we going to hold elected officials to the same standards?
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