
For Trump: Neutral. Losing in a manner that is extremely questionable in peoples eyes will only make him a martyr. He will use this to grow a new media and political org for the future.

For Dems: Absolute disaster. Trading Trump for the next 2 maybe 3 election cycles
will without a doubt cause significant changes within the party. A bluewave never materialized & it cost Senate & House races as I expected.

For GOP: Could not have worked out better. They seemingly push Trump out in a manner that benefited the Congressional makeup.
For Europe: Short term victory. 2021 will be rough economically and will likely find no support from a Biden presidency with Russia &
China looking to advance its geopolitical positions that were held in check for past 4 years.
For China: Glorious result. Xi likely now has breathing room to stabilize the Chinese economy. With Trump, he would have had only 2 years... This is a presidential pardon with Biden elected.
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