Let me just comment for one second on y’all out here trying to burn out Lumbee folx who want change. Take a seat. Get your popcorn. https://twitter.com/jrmlocklear/status/1324557295003574272
We do not reject our people. We love our people. that’s why we are still here. We are doing the work to address the issues that lead our folks to conclude that democracy doesn’t work for them and they’d rather vote for someone who’s a bully.
Our schools have failed to incorporate us and our history and our own ideas about government. Schools have failed to persuade us why a democracy founded by slave holders should work for us. The Democratic Party took our right to vote in 1835.
The Republican Party supported our fight to get it back in 1867. The Republicans lost in a Democratic coup in 1898 and then left us with one party to vote for: the Party of White Supremacy. We voted, against our interests and for our survival as an autonomous nation, for 120 yrs.
Our people voted for Obama, B Clinton, Gore, tand every other Dem president except H Clinton and Biden. We vote for a republican twice and Democrats call us idiots. Write us off and invest no organizing resources in our community until the last minute. We need a @staceyabrams.
Meanwhile, y’all White folx are “embarrassed” that your women and men votes for this man. You won’t do the work in your community to address the issues that lead to this outcome. Lumbee people are doing the work. Old, young, everybody. We don’t reject our relatives.
And another thing. Go weep over the Crow Nation or the Oklahoma tribes or the Eastern Band Cherokee and ask why they voted Republican. Those states aren’t facing widespread voter suppression.
Stop bothering us unless you’re going to do the work in our own communities. If you want to do the work, pay us and we’ll show you how.
Proud of the Diné by the way who turn New Mexico Blue.
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