It doesn’t make sense. A Black registered voter has a 90% chance of voting for Democrats. A Latino voter has a 70ish% chance of doing so. But a white voter has a <50% chance of doing so — and a white Republican way less than *that* — why not focus on Black and Brown turnout?
(Rhetorical question: it’s bc white ppl believe that things can only be legitimate if they center white people.)
The Democrats have not won a majority of the white vote since 1964, and have been obsessed w/ winning those voters back ever since.

Meanwhile, two youngest voting age cohorts, Millennials and Gen-Zers, are 45 and 49% nonwhite, respectively.
Per States of Change, the number of voters from those cohorts are anticipated to be > than Boomers in the 2024 electorate.

By *2028*, they will dwarf Boomers AND Gen Xers in terms of voters AND eligible US voters.

I mean.
The AAPI population is the fastest growing demo in the US. Court *them.*
Exactly. Younger gens skew more Dem not bc young white voters lean Dem but bec more younger voters are BROWN.
If Dems are winning suburbs in big metros now, it’s likely because suburbs have been getting browner and and browner.

Okay, I’m done.
As @InADash correctly points out, that “70ish percent” re Latino voters looks diff and prolly higher if you control for people who don’t identify as white.
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