1- Forever tarnished?

Are the United States forever tarnished in the eyes of the world?
2- Half of the country on their feet, saying the right things, as indignant as the moment calls for, rejecting all that trump and his cronies stand for, they are loud, they are outraged and incensed. Biden is controlled, poised, and still talking about unifying the country
3- Activists on the grounds, on social media, artists, scientists, nurses, doctors, actors, athletes, comedians, minorities of all sorts, elected democrats and quite a few defecting republicans, all denouncing unequivocally the antics of the present occupant of the white house
4- And you have a string of, crazies, parading on television on behalf of the white house resident, acting as if they’ve just escaped from a mental institution and I can’t help but think about how other countries must be reacting to this circus show on steroids.
5- From Rudy, Bannon, trump jr, Kellyanne, to the crazy churchwoman just to name a few, the television appearances have been nothing short of a badly edited SNL skit.
6- I am no scientist but I wonder if the wandering path of Hurricane Eta is not the result of being affected by the waves of laughter coming at it from all directions, for surely friend or foe, all are dying of laughter at this time.
7- But as bad as these are, nothing is more damaging to American image, than the silence of elected republicans trying to play both sides of the fence, waiting like vultures in the stands to know definitively which way the wind is blowing before coming out to make their stand
8 -Steve Bannon calling for heads of dems on pikes, trump supporters are chanting count and stop the vote alternatively depending on whether he is ahead or behind, trump is stomping on every single ideal of democracy at the presidential podium and the GOP is eerily silent.
9- A few peeps and squeaks have managed to escape from some who must have accidentally felt their crotch and realized they had balls down there, but uncomfortable with the lack of weight, thus unable to come out boldly or strongly against the shenanigans of their leader.
10 - How will the United States ever be able to claim the high ground on issues such as democracy and fair elections after this debacle?

Muriel Vieux
November 6th, 2020
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