America: *Refreshing browser because of narrow vote counts in GA and PA*
World: "Isn't Biden up by 4 million votes?"
America: "Yes?"
World: "Why you looking so closely at GA and PA then?"
America: "So in 1787, 39 people couldn't agree so they came to this compromise"...
"And they decided only white, property-owning males could vote, but they couldn't vote directly for the president because that was too important so they made them vote for what were essentially middlemen who would then go cast a vote for a president...
And the number of middlemen was decided based on how many representatives in the House a state had, plus it's two senators. Oh that was also a compromise. They couldn't decide what to do, so they came up with this compromise which literally exists nowhere else in the world...
And created an upper-house Senate which is actually powerful than the lower-house House of Representatives (pretty much the opposite power balance of every other legislature system in the world). So anyway, they totaled the number of Reps and Senators up...
And that became the number of middlemen - oh they call those electors - per state. So right now, sure people vote for president, but whoever wins the popular vote of each state receives the state's number of electors. You need 270 to win...
Rest of the World: So, even though you have voting rights for everyone now (at least you think you do) the person who gets the most votes can still not become president?
America: Yep, but it wasn't meant to be that way. Those people who compromised never wanted minority rule...
Rest of World: Oh, so this is a rare thing?
America: Not really rare, it happened in 2000 and 2016.
Rest of World: So your President and Senate can be elected by a minority of nationwide voters, but still win and hold majority consistently?
America: Yep
Rest of World: And this is all because 39 guys in 1787 couldn't agree, and this is the compromise they came up with?
America: Yep.
Rest of World: And you haven't changed it?
America: Nope.
Rest of World: Why?
America: Because it's enshrined in our constitution
Rest of the World: That document that was a compromise from 1787? Also the thing that you've changed numerous times before?
America: Yep.
Rest of World: And it's not changing now?
America: Nope
Rest of World: 🤦‍♂️
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