🚨 Games of the Weekend 🚨

I am already late to this but here’s my first attempt at highlighting the football games you should be watching over the weekend. I’ll be recommending a mix of games across the leagues all over the world. Hope people like this!
1. We kick off proceedings with Sassuolo vs Udinese on Friday night (1:15am Indian Std time). If you like gorgeous football with intricate passing patterns, DeZerbi is the next big thing in the Italian scene. Doesn’t always pull it off but when they do: bellissimo
2. Next up is Everton vs Man Utd on Saturday 6pm (IST). Could be Solsjaekr’s last game in charge at United. Why am I recommending a United side when this thread should be about enjoyable football? Because there is nothing better than the collective frustration of the Utd fanbase
3. We end our Saturday night/evening with the Der Klassiker at 11pm (IST). Will Dortmund finally get a convincing win against Bayern? Will BVB finally step up and mount a title challenge? (Of course they won’t. They’ll choke. But watch it for Halland Bu)
4. We move to Sunday evening which is a Calcio fest. Start with Lazio vs Juve at 5pm(IST). Lazio have been awesome under Inzaghi but have faltered this season. Juve too have been a mixed bag under Pirlo. But plenty of top tier talent in both squads to make this worth your while.
5. Next up is Atalanta vs Inter at 7:30pm(IST). This is my pick of the week. Atalanta are absolute bae under Gasperini and if you haven’t watched them for the last 3 seasons you’ve missed out on some of the most thrilling football. Just go watch Atalanta.

P.S Conte can piss off
6. We wrap up this week’s games to watch with the main event: Manchester City vs Liverpool at 10pm(IST). Need I say more? Two sides who have left every single side in the PL wins behind over the last 3 seasons. Two projects which have succeeded. Now where do they go from here?
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