#BREAKING: #MSNBC's Kasie Hunt on #MorningJoe--" #Republicans in Washington are privately SICK OF working with President #Trump. They are ready to cut deals with #Biden....they will not blow up the system for Trump.."

#TheResistance #ElectionResults #FridayThoughts #FBRParty
This👆btw also applies to #GOP pundits on #MSM. I promise you @IngrahamAngle & Co would rather be on #FoxNews railing against "radical left" President #Biden than defending #Trump's wacky tweets. They got what they wanted from Trump--> #SCOTUS

#TheResistance #ElectionResults
Even better news for Dems/the country is that Senators Collins, Ernst, Murkowski and other "reasonable" #GOP Senators who were held hostage under a #Trump admin, are more likely to support Dems on #stimulus, #ACA......

#TheResistance #ElectionResults #FridayThoughts #FBRParty
About time people start calling out RADICALS @tedcruz and @LindseyGrahamSC who for whatever reason, are always EAGER to egg #Trump on, even as he veers into very dangerous territory. Certainly NOT adults in the room

#TheResistance #ElectionResults #FridayThoughts #FBRParty
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