Hello @virtwriting and all the #VWG crew. My path to agented bliss😃took some hard work & masses of help from a lot of talented, generous people. As well as a touch of serendipity, that I’ll get to later
 #HowIGotMyAgent 1/17
I’m going to start my story long before I began querying with my current novel, Hear No Evil. Why? Because, if I don’t, my path to representation looks too easy & you’ll all hate me.😠Don't worry I don't go as far back as my Brownie Writer Badge😬 #HowIGotMyAgent 2/17
I turned 50🧓& realised I needed help to galvanise myself & the writing. I took a year off work & did an MLitt @UofGWriting. I was determined to get my money’s worth so, in contrast to my undergraduate career 30 years before, I gave it my all. #HowIGotMyAgent 3/17
I’d published poems & short stories & The Partick Dinosaurs was long listed for the Times/Chicken House Prize. I’d queried in a lacklustre way & felt hurt by the rejections. I see now that the manuscript needed feedback, editing & more self-belief on my part. #HowIGotMyAgent 4/17
The MLitt was a joy, a challenge, a revelation & full of practical advice. We were tasked with writing a draft query letter & synopsis to an agent of our choice. Someone who might like our work, so I did some researchâ€ŠđŸ€“ #HowIGotMyAgent 5/17
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