So, we are starting to see who the @realDonaldTrump dead-enders are: @tedcruz, @LindseyGrahamSC @GOPLeader @RepDougCollins. While some in the @GOP rightly are calling out the lies and misinformation coming from the Trump family about voter fraud, these four have made a choice. 1/
Let's say it clearly: these men are about disenfranchisement, they seem little wrong in saying your vote doesn't matter if it isn't a vote for them. It is anti-democratic, racist garbage. 2/
Gotta hand it to them, while we'll see more in @GOP abandoning Trump, these 4 are ready to go full Führerbunker with DJT. When they tell you who they are believe them: these are deeply authoritarian men, who support the madness of the past four years w all their heart & soul. 3/
Some in the @GOP will try to revive a kinder, gentler version of their party, but these four men are the party's unvarnished truth: overt appeals to race, lies, misinformation are their jam. 4/
This is a nativist, authoritarian party, tied to policies that are extractive. They want to control to destroy. They see little role for government except in wealth transfer thru tax cuts, controlling women's bodies and subjugating people of color, rolling back LGBT rights. 5/
They will never be a force for good in American politics. end/
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