This is a frankly bizarre position to hold as Chair of
The Board of Deputies Commission on Racial Inclusivity.
It is dishonest to treat the low Jewish Labour vote as a direct product of Antisemitism in the Labour Party *unmediated* by a hostile national & community press, communal institutions and unrepresentative leadership bodies.
Obviously you can argue about whether the media coverage and the interventions of Jewish Communal bodies and Labour factions were fair or proportionate.

However, to treat the consequences as fait accompli is to read the whole situation backwards.
"Claiming that 'Corbyn is an existential threat to Jewish life in Britain' was justified because afterwards, very few Jews wanted to vote for him" does not make sense as an argument.

By that logic, any successful smear is not a smear at all?
This is how Bush gets to his point - the (very limited) inclusion of minority Jewish voices can only be a dereliction of journalistic responsibility in search of conflict and phoney balance, not because we have valid perspectives or our experiences matter in their own right.
The end point of uncritically accepting every exaggerated Labour Antisemitism claim (on the basis that they had majority appeal) is to call leftwing Jews 'kapos' for disisting.

Owen, the unnamed target of Bush's article, puts it better than us.
The irony is that Jews are 0.5% of the UK's population.

If 6% of a minority community don't matter, where does that leave the rest?
Jews are not a monolith.

Disabled Jews, Strictly Orthodox Jews, Working Class Jews, Black Jews, Young Jews, Secular Jews all voted for Labour in 2019 in a greater proportion than the community as a whole.

It would be surprising if Bush was unaware of this.
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