It's nearly the weekend! So, inspired by a chat I was having with @TurfMoorLoyal earlier in the week, here's a short thread looking at my top five Belgian beers! 🇧🇪🍺🚴‍♂️
(Any views on these @realaleupnorth?)
First up, @KwaremontBier... Had to start with a cycling-inspired one. A beautiful blond beer which comes in at 6.6%... which matches the gradient of the famed Oude Kwaremont climb used in so many of the Belgian classic cycle races. Ace glass as well!
Next up, Delirium Tremens from @Deliriumbrewery. Often vies with Kwaremont as my favourite of all the Belgian beers.
It's everything you want from a beer - strong, full of flavour and - given the pink elephant logo - kooky as heck!
Another great glass (need to get myself one!)
Geuze beers aren't for everyone and I've only got into them in the last few years but they're an absolute delight if you can get over the initial indifference.
There are lots of different ones available but a good starting point is @BrouwerijBoon Oude Geuze Boon.
If you like your beers sour but don't want to go quite as far as a geuze then a nice kriek (cherry) lambic is a fantastic choice.
Again, lots available but I always really enjoy Bacchus Kriek (which I first had at Big Hands in Manchester yonks ago!)
And finally, a great beer to have towards the end of the night - a Chimay Blue from @EspaceChimay.
Dark, rich and - at 9% - a proper grown-up beer.
The other Chimay beers are also great but none of them quite hit the heights that the Chimay Blue does!
Some honourable mentions:
@VedettUK - a great, go-to blond beer which is perfect on a warm day.
A couple of brilliant Trappist beers - Orval and St Bernardus Abt 12 (also a brilliant place to stay/visit if near French border)
And @DuvelUK Tripel Hop - a much punchier version.
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