In the 80s / 90s mainstream press barely covered LGBT issues.
If they did it was often in terms that were disparaging or offensive.
Community papers and magazines told our stories, provided safe space and documented our fight for rights.
Me at the Capital Gay reunion party, 2011.
‘Perverts’ ‘poofs’ and ‘woofters’.
A selection of What the Papers Said about gays in just a 3 month period in 1988.
The Press Complaints Commission at the time ruled that such language was acceptable, because the validity of our lives was still a matter of debate.
Section 28 was making its way into law.
Angry and frustrated, me and some friends responded by painting Fleet St pink.
We see this thinking rearing its head again now, with support for LGBT rights being seen as ‘political’ and attacks on trans people being ramped up.
We should not have to debate our right to exist.
Don’t just get angry. Get organised.
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