Hey! If you're new to Twitch, you may not be aware of the emotes that are used apart from the ones that Twitch has by default. However, they're one of the most distinctive aspects of Twitch culture! However, it can be a bit overwhelming at first.
Firstly, you’ll need to install two ESSENTIAL Google Chrome extensions. Keep in mind that correct capitalisation and spelling is pretty much necessary when spelling out emotes!

https://www.frankerfacez.com  shows still images!

https://betterttv.com  shows gifs and moving emotes!
It’s important to know the meaning of an emote before you use it! These are probably the most-used emotes.

1. PogU (FFZ) - Many of you may use “PogChamp”, and PogU is a variant of this. “Pog” is short for Play of the Game, and is used in a celebratory or astonished way!
2. KEKW, LULW and OMEGALUL are used in similar ways on twitch - all are used as “laughing emotes”, though in different capacities. OMEGALUL, as the name suggests, is used when something is really funny happens, whereas KEKW and LULW are used more frequently.
3. Austin has been teaching the new viewers PauseChamp - and it’s an important one for his show! It’s used when you’re anticipating a big move or important event or its outcome!
4. Next we have monkaW and monkaS - both express fear, or when you are scared on behalf of the streamer!
5. Our next two essentially convey the same thing. WeirdChamp and PogO are both used to express disappointment / condescension / to shame a streamer for what they’ve said - if it was out of pocket, or undeserved.
Pepega - This emote is used when someone says something and it’s stupid, or without common sense. “PepegaPhone” is also used when someone says this EXTREMELY LOUDLY or keeps repeating it!
It’s often combined with “Clap” to mimic what someone dumb might agree with!
Kapp - Kapp and Kappa are both used almost like a tone indicator - specifically /s. It’s used to indicate when something is sarcastic, or when a streamer is blatantly lying!
Next we have a set - 3Head, 4Head and 5Head!
3Head - stupid (like Pepega) or could imply someone of British or Irish descent! Like Minx ;)
4Head - This one is used when a streamer says something extremely obvious.
5Head - When someone says something really big-brained and smart!
Cw // nsfw
Kreygasm is, as the name suggests, an emote which is used to show when someone hot (or something sexy) appears on stream! It’s often used ironically, so make you use this one appropriately!
Sadge and PepeHands both express sadness in some form. Sadge implies a more consistent, depressed feeling, while PepeHands is used in reference to a tragic event.
These next three are all used to convey dancing when a really good (or ironically, when a really bad) song is being played.
They are: catJAM, pepeD and pepeJAM
The next emote, “FeelsStrongMan” is used when something really emotional (though not necessarily sad!) occurs, (think like a veteran meeting their family for the first time in a while).
I’ll be adding onto these as we go - please let me know if there’s any I should add so far!! Thanks guys, and happy chatting :)
You can follow @jay_jema.
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