Let me bring some actual and science on mail in voting: risk is a county will mail a ballot to everyone on their election rolls..The rolls are somewhat inaccurate, and ur mailing ballots to people who dont live at that address..now u have a loose ballot some 1 else can fill in
(cont) the other risk is someone can pick off ballots, (a guy was indicted in texas for filling in like 1700 ballots some years back lol lol) and mail them back etc...
Now, im in favor of whatever method would help the most people easily vote, so i want electronic Social Security Number based, electronic voting, in a closed circuit digital system
Now, my republican friends who i speak to on the subject of electronic national voting system, one click, one social security number, are quietly AGAINST it because it would literally allow anyone who wants to vote, to vote..and they dont want that...cuz they are outnumbered lol
SO...while you are watching this shit show with mail in voting, and the republican going into full on meltdown, please appreciate that they are against a one click, one social security number system, because literally everyone would vote and there are more dems than republicans
The republicans want to make it as hard as possible for people to vote lol..they been that way since Nixon...IF we went to an electronic system, where everyone rich or poor, could click a mouse, verify a social, and vote, they would not like that lol
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