So it's late and i'm thinking about MSNBC and others' decision not to run the president's remarks today raw and uncut. I snarked before but it really is such an interesting development!
There're really such difficult questions presented by a figure of much power and obvious news import just spewing dangerous, wanton lies. These aren't easy decisions.
I think in some sense my experience was instructive: MSNBC cut the speech, noting that it was false, but I wanted to watch so I pulled it up on the Internet. Not too much of an obstacle, really.
Like I said before, it feels like a shift to me — social media warnings on stuff, USAT and MSNBC refusing to air it unchecked.
Thing is, they are still all reporting about it, but paraphrasing and cutting it with immediate disclaimers. This does not feel like terrible repression here — cuz it isn’t.
Instead these media have been not cutting off access to information but contextualizing it. That strikes me as responsible and, for the news media, good journalism.
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