1/ My first year at WCCO Radio, I was working a weekend evening news shift. Congressman Jim Ramstad was in-studio for a Sunday night interview. When he finished, he came down to the newsroom where I was working alone and told me how impressed he was with my news delivery.
2/ I was 26, and still a little intimidated with my new gig. But here was a US Congressman taking a moment on a Sunday night just to come and give some encouragement to a kid who felt a little overwhelmed at such a legendary institution. I’ve never forgotten that.
3/ There are no more Jim Ramstads in politics. There’s no place for them anymore, and its never been more evident than it is now. I think about that often and it makes me sad.
4/ Jim Ramstad was a champion for mental health and addiction recovery, long before it was a fashionable fight. He took his struggle with his own demons and gave hope to others battling with theirs.
5/ Thank you, Congressman, for giving a young man a boost of confidence at a time when he needed it. Rest easy sir, and thank you for your service to country and community. Here’s to the Orange Crush. #RIP #JimRamstad
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